Share Ur Car

by Samyak Infotech Pvt. Ltd.


not available

Share Ur Car is a community marketplace mobile app that connects people who are willing to offer a ride with empty seats to people looking for a ride.With a state of the art mobile platform, Share Ur Car is making travel social, more comfortable, money-saving, and have a positive impact on the environment for its users.
Share Ur Car helps to pool your car journey with other members to save Money, Fuel and Environment.
Why Share Ur Car?
• Drive Less, Save More.• You do not have to rely on unreliable public transport.• It reduces the stress of your commute and allows you to read, relax, or even work while commuting.• Reduces congestion on our roads and highways.
Use of application:
--> This application is just for find car/ride with available seats between stations. --> Traveler can contact car owner thro' call or email--> Car owner will get call or notification mail from Traveler--> Both parties has to give confirmation thro' call or mail.--> Traveler has to make payment to Car owner
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